2014. augusztus 3., vasárnap

[QUOTE=NEVERMORE.,Apr 5 2014, 03:13 AM][b]filled single character shipper request for a friend + directional slides practice[/b] [dohtml]

This is gospel for the fallen ones Locked away in permanent slumber Assembling their philosophies From pieces of broken memories Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart The gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds But they haven’t seen the best of us yet If you love me let me go If you love me let me go ‘Cause these words are knives and often leave scars The fear of falling apart.
Actually mustache fap, High Life single-origin coffee kogi bicycle rights. Tonx gluten-free roof party cardigan butcher put a bird on it tote bag, meggings vinyl ethical Thundercats deep v wolf scenester. Williamsburg umami hashtag kitsch skateboard bitters before they sold out, Blue Bottle seitan deep v farm-to-table. Kogi tote bag McSweeney's Truffaut, Pitchfork narwhal 8-bit iPhone you probably haven't heard of them craft beer blog brunch gluten-free Godard chambray. Helvetica lo-fi lomo mustache, sustainable 3 wolf moon tofu jean shorts keffiyeh. McSweeney's post-ironic beard, deep v whatever drinking vinegar tofu Vice wayfarers semiotics. Trust fund butcher artisan normcore you probably haven't heard of them, wayfarers fashion axe flannel tattooed vinyl. Ethical mlkshk letterpress deep v seitan brunch, salvia artisan keytar. Helvetica kitsch Pinterest sartorial, bitters American Apparel Austin ugh fingerstache yr cray gentrify bicycle rights. Vegan pour-over sustainable chambray, PBR&B small batch seitan twee retro. Retro irony fashion axe mustache. High Life yr stumptown polaroid, meh flexitarian pour-over craft beer occupy Banksy artisan fap hella pug. Mumblecore biodiesel artisan twee, forage gluten-free gentrify YOLO banjo four loko. Squid retro DIY, seitan art party Pinterest mustache stumptown four loko Brooklyn. Cliche brunch viral, wolf lomo drinking vinegar ennui seitan Tumblr mumblecore sartorial Pinterest typewriter beard narwhal. Lomo synth vinyl Neutra, typewriter ethnic fanny pack biodiesel messenger bag mlkshk butcher small batch. Bushwick bicycle rights PBR before they sold out lomo, occupy gluten-free tofu Williamsburg. Mumblecore selfies put a bird on it 8-bit. Pitchfork lomo hoodie, cliche distillery letterpress kale chips literally. Squid irony viral beard yr vegan. Pour-over paleo squid, Odd Future Pitchfork Marfa selfies Carles quinoa farm-to-table art party retro. Typewriter single-origin coffee mlkshk High Life kale chips put a bird on it farm-to-table +1 pop-up, McSweeney's Odd Future PBR. Carles try-hard pug chia blog McSweeney's salvia. Hashtag kale chips gentrify, post-ironic you probably haven't heard of them trust fund drinking vinegar street art. Small batch bicycle rights American Apparel hella cray PBR food truck lomo, trust fund pickled. Master cleanse forage chambray distillery, Shoreditch ethical PBR&B fixie sriracha cornhole tote bag Brooklyn. Jean shorts aesthetic biodiesel before they sold out bespoke Brooklyn. Try-hard chia YOLO, vinyl polaroid jean shorts butcher +1 cardigan locavore umami wolf fap lomo.
age: 17 | occupation: student/huntress | group: hunters

2014. augusztus 2., szombat

[QUOTE=WHAT KATY DID,Sep 28 2013, 11:05 AM][dohtml]

CHALLENGE ENTRY ADDED! THE FOLLOWING CANON LIST! WHO ELSE LOVES THE FOLLOWING? OMG IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY. AND THIS SEASON MIKE IS GETTING A LOVE INTEREST AND IT'S JESSICA STROUP AND SHE'S RYAN'S NEICE. sorry, i just love mike sfm. okay, adding another two codes tomorrow, once i figure out which ones need editing and which are good to go. feel free to head to my testing page and give me a challenge. ideas are wanted at all times... so my brain doesn't have to do too much work lol.
blah blah blah and stuff text goes here! blah blah blah and stuff text goes here! blah blah blah and stuff text goes here! blah blah blah and stuff text goes here! blah blah blah and stuff text goes here! blah blah blah and stuff text goes here! blah blah blah and stuff text goes here! blah blah blah and stuff text goes here! blah blah blah and stuff text goes here! blah blah blah and stuff text goes here! blah blah blah and stuff text goes here! blah blah blah and stuff text goes here! blah blah blah and stuff text goes here! blah blah blah and stuff text goes here! blah blah blah and stuff text goes here!
[QUOTE=SKULLBEAT,Mar 17 2013, 11:12 AM][align=center][dohtml]
this is skullbeat's toxic waste, the accompaniment to her toxic shed.

[QUOTE=STEPHANIE BROWN,Dec 21 2012, 01:55 AM][dohtml]
Read The Memo!

hi mtv, i'm ruth and welcome to my code. so i work hard on all of my codes and would love it if you kept the credit on them. actually, you better not remove the credit at all. just don't mess with it. edit the colors, fonts, etc. all that you want, but do not use my codes as a base to make your own. also, i like to see that my codes are being used, so if you have the time please post a link to the thread or account that you are using my codes on. c:

[/dohtml] [dohtml]
tag name/alias

words: ###


you're like a shot of pure gold

blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!!

i think i'm about to explode
[/dohtml] [CODE][dohtml]
tag name/alias

words: ###


you're like a shot of pure gold

blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!! blah blah blah. post writing goes here. this area won't scroll no matter how much you write!!!1!!!

i think i'm about to explode
[QUOTE=winterseaspray,May 24 2013, 10:39 AM][align=center][dohtml]
Time it took us To where the water was That’s what the water gave me And time goes quicker Between the two of us Oh, my love, don’t forsake me Take what the water gave me Lay me down Let the only sound Be the overflow Pockets full of stones Lay me down Let the only sound Be the overflow And oh, poor Atlas The world’s a beast of a burden You’ve been holding on a long time And all this longing And the ships are left to rust That’s what the water gave us So lay me down Let the only sound Be the overflow Pockets full of stones Lay me down Let the only sound Be the overflow ‘Cause they took your loved ones But returned them in exchange for you But would you have it any other way? Would you have it any other way? You couldn't have it any other way ‘Cause she’s a cruel mistress And a bargain must be made But oh, my love, don’t forget me I let the water take me Lay me down Let the only sound Be the over flow Pockets full of stones Lay me down Let the only sound Be the overflow Lay me down Let the only sound Be the overflow Pockets full of stones Lay me down Let the only sound Be the overflow

text goes here, will scroll


CODE tany loves you! CODE tany loves you! CODE tany loves you! CODE tany loves you! CODE tany loves you! CODE tany loves you! CODE tany loves you! CODE tany loves you! CODE tany loves you! CODE tany loves you! CODE tany loves you! CODE tany loves you! CODE tany loves you! CODE
[QUOTE=Dulce.,Apr 5 2012, 02:42 AM][DOHTML][align=CENTER]

born to be a lady

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras faucibus aliquet urna non condimentum. In in enim ipsum, gravida dapibus lacus. Quisque augue nisi, consequat vitae volutpat vitae, tincidunt eu lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi venenatis lectus sit amet ligula rhoncus non sodales leo scelerisque. Proin in risus eros, molestie porta neque. Aenean laoreet sapien eget magna vehicula ac volutpat arcu rhoncus. Praesent at diam enim. Nam semper massa vitae lacus aliquet eget sagittis mauris tincidunt. Praesent non aliquet ante. Vestibulum consectetur nisi placerat lacus gravida sed dictum nisi pretium. Sed vitae tortor tellus, nec feugiat dui.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Integer eget nulla ante. Curabitur luctus luctus erat id luctus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce hendrerit ultricies sapien, in pulvinar lacus sodales cursus. Sed eu urna nisl, non ultricies felis. Etiam suscipit posuere nibh sit amet aliquet. Ut sem erat, tincidunt nec gravida nec, pellentesque non dolor. Quisque neque ante, vehicula vel adipiscing a, accumsan id dolor. Nulla auctor porttitor ligula id pretium. Morbi volutpat, magna vel porta hendrerit, diam est dapibus dui, ac sollicitudin urna sapien id elit. Sed vehicula gravida risus, et porta odio blandit vel. Integer faucibus dui sem.

In rhoncus, risus id faucibus malesuada, dolor ligula blandit tellus, id tempor eros dui et quam. Donec iaculis consectetur hendrerit. Etiam viverra tellus a erat pulvinar iaculis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer mollis dignissim tortor, sit amet vestibulum magna lacinia at. Quisque vel mauris velit, a scelerisque nisl. Vestibulum ultrices, lectus eget porttitor adipiscing, nisi augue sollicitudin purus, vitae accumsan lorem lacus sed ante. Morbi quis gravida turpis. Maecenas a felis nec nisl ullamcorper fringilla. Suspendisse blandit rutrum dolor, ut imperdiet velit porttitor et.

Nulla eleifend neque vel quam pellentesque at tempor mauris semper. Duis sem nulla, cursus non congue et, interdum nec dolor. Sed interdum consequat ante vel dignissim. Sed eget urna vitae ligula lacinia blandit. Fusce in est nec nibh interdum mattis in vel lacus. Donec lacus nisl, consectetur tincidunt cursus nec, varius nec mi. Proin sagittis fringilla risus ut laoreet. Sed lectus turpis, fringilla non dignissim non, feugiat eget odio. Aliquam lorem risus, venenatis sit amet aliquam at, sagittis eu odio. Nunc volutpat commodo dui, sit amet luctus ligula vehicula sed.

Donec commodo, risus vitae aliquet luctus, lectus magna convallis leo, eget lobortis diam enim posuere libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin pharetra, leo nec adipiscing commodo, neque leo scelerisque lorem, non euismod dui dui nec sapien. Mauris vestibulum, dolor in tristique accumsan, sem nisl commodo arcu, sit amet porta urna tortor non odio. Praesent sed nibh sit amet urna condimentum luctus. Cras luctus iaculis purus non bibendum. Quisque hendrerit eleifend convallis. Nulla ullamcorper ante eu augue commodo pharetra. Donec id ullamcorper nisl. Donec id semper magna. Quisque sollicitudin erat non mauris consequat ut rutrum massa posuere.

notes go here!
tany from [URL=http://forums.redcarpetrebellion.org/index.php?showuser=13621]rcr[/URL] loves me!
[QUOTE=burn it down baby,Sep 29 2012, 06:07 AM][dohtml]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
[QUOTE=burn it down baby,Oct 2 2012, 07:18 AM][dohtml]
raymond "ray" dennis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
intelligent. scheming. power hungry. flirt.
[/dohtml] [dohtml]
ray & name
plotting is fun plotting is sooooo much fun just keep plotting just keep plotting just keep plotting just keep plotting plotting plotting what do we do we plot PLOT
[QUOTE=DANI HAS THE HICCUPS,May 29 2013, 11:34 PM][dohtml]
o k so marina's whole life can be summed up in the song "one of the boys"

apart from she likes being 1 of the boys nd would not change it 4 the world bc girls ew gross herpes

"what is a virginity it sounds like a disease" marina carmichael, age thirteen

ok so u are probably wondering how this losr even got in2 acting tht is a good question well basically she went for an audition 4 skins (SHITS ND GIGGLES LOL !!!) and it's like a complete fluke she got it as she nearly got ran over by the director by running in2 the road trying 2 pet a pigeon and he was like u know what this girl is insane u are hired

she is a lil british belle so yes she has an accent no u cannot hear it yes u can expect a punch in the bollocks if u ask

she has 2 act serious for her job like in interviews and shit and make herself look like a normal person but in reality she feels like a kardashian and she lOVES IT !!!!!!!!!

she accidentally got the name of her best friend (random boy plz take) tattooed above her vayjay when she was stoned bc lIVIN THE #YOLO #SWAG LYF she is basically ke$ha if she could poop glitter she would

basically she is a fuckload of fun but sumtimes can be called a bitch bc girls are dumb and say dumb things and that pisses her off along with the whole "HEHEHEHEHE" and hair flipping shit annoys her and she will tell u okay okay

and she is completely free spirited and all she wants in life is adventure and fun and excitement in everything she does and is sometimes impulsive and reckless and will smoke and drink and party (as long as she isn't workin the next day as tht is p unprofessional he lo)

friends well tbh she is an easy person 2 get along and p chill with but is very honest and blunt so u go hard or u go home but i think she would have a big circle mainly full of lads like she grew up with a house full of men and she just finds girls annoying i mean she'll be decent and nice 2 them but they are not her first choice of company [s]or second or third or 19283928th[/s]

enemies probably a few but she will only start confrontation with a legit reason ?? like she wouldn't fall out with u for something stupid but i can imagine some ppl not liking her bc yah reasons but this section will be 100% full of girls

lovers idk man she is young nd free nd beautiful and an outrageous flirt but also a bit of a tease i mean she will make out w/ u but u not goin near the petal and she is also bi as girls are kind of attractive when they shut their mouths but yah everything here is open exes past flings maybe even a fwb or a one night stand or sth go 4 it

[QUOTE=SARA YOU IGNORANT SLUT,May 30 2012, 06:33 PM][align=center][dohtml]

sglsjglksj shipper stuff goes here. lalalalalallalala.

[QUOTE=Crown The Fallen,Mar 4 2014, 09:55 PM][dohtml]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus faucibus mi in enim tincidunt venenatis interdum eu ipsum. Phasellus ultricies neque enim, vel imperdiet quam tempus sed. Mauris cursus nec tellus tristique ultricies. Proin ut urna elementum, scelerisque mauris et, pellentesque lorem. Donec eleifend ornare arcu vitae mollis. Nam nulla mi, scelerisque eget laoreet vitae, elementum sit amet metus. Vivamus nec neque ultricies nulla eleifend ornare sit amet tincidunt elit. Phasellus vulputate dignissim viverra.
[/dohtml] Hmm.. like this. next to figure out is hover for it, and where/how. maybe after nap...[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=spectrums.,Nov 24 2012, 09:15 PM][dohtml]
here is a really simple shipper template that requires two images that are 200 x 180. you can change the colors, fonts, but nothing else. please keep the credit on!! hope you all like. <3 data-blogger-escaped-div="">
[/dohtml] [dohtml]
here is veronica! but don't call her veronica, or she'll kick you where the sun don't shine. okay, maybe she won't but she doesnt like being called by her full name. she prefers ronnie. she's a twenty-seven year old native of good ol' unalaska, alaska. she comes from a somewhat big family as she's the second oldest of four siblings. if anyone was to ask her about her childhood, she'd say she had better than some but for the most part it sucked. at a young age, she walked into her mother having an affair and she carried her mothers secret until when she was sixteen where she confessed it in a drunken tirade. she hasn't spoken to her mother since. it's a small town, so a lot of people heard about her mother's affair and she hated the looks of pity that she got out on town which was another contributor on why she acted out.
her high school years weren't golden. she made a bad reputation for herself by sleeping around, and getting drunk/high all the time. unless you were part of that crowd, chances are people didn't see her around in school all that often. after she graduated, she got her shit somewhat together. she quit the drugs, and got her life kind of on track. college wasn't in her career plans because she found it boring sitting in classrooms. she still likes to learn new things by reading. most are surprised by her extent of knowledge without having any kind of college education.
you'll usually find ronnie at the mechanic shop where she works. she sticks out like a sore thumb, being one of the only women that actually work as a mechanic but she knows more about cars than some men do. she likes doing adventurous things like hiking, or fishing. ronnie isn't afraid to get down and dirty. sometimes, she sneaks away to the library to find some peace and quiet to read about history which she is obsessed with. if you want to read more about her, just go and look at her application.
friends - ronnie is a bit hard to get along with off the bat. she isn't exactly welcoming, not a fan to change or new people. most of her friends will be people she knew from childhood, high school, or people she's worked with. however, new people are all entirely bad, they'll just have to get her trust first before she goes out of her way to be friendly. as a friend, she's very loyal and quite fun. she's the friend that makes you do things that you wouldn't normally do on your own. ronnie is super spontaneous and would call you in the middle of the night just to get food, or do something ridiculous. she's a very live in the moment kind of girl. she's funny, and will name off the most random facts of history.
enemies - i'm sure there will be people that won't be her biggest fan. she's very opinionated, and isn't afraid to call someone out. she also isn't a fake person. if she doesn't like you, she'll make it known that she doesn't like you. her brash, opinionated attitude gets her trouble with people as well as her aggressiveness. since it's a small town, i'm sure a lot of people heard not so good rumors about her.
lovers - she's a very flirty woman. she's touchy-feely, and likes affection which is ironic as she hates being in relationships. she feels trapped whenever she's in a serious relationship and the moment things start to become serious, she breaks things off immediately. ronnie is known for sleeping around, and still continues to do so. maybe they'll be a serious relationship for her in the future, but with ronnie you never can tell. one night stands, flings, or friends with benefits are all open for her. they'll probably be some pasts boyfriends and such but the relationships had never passed the 'super serious' stage.

[URL=http://shine.b1.jcink.com/index.php?showuser=165]THANKS SARA! [/URL]
[QUOTE=SARA YOU IGNORANT SLUT,May 23 2012, 06:34 PM][dohtml]
here are my codes! they aren't nothing special since i'm just starting out but please please PLEASE do not steal any of these. i will be very sad! comments are very much welcome though. <3



this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goesthis is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes
this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes this is where your shipper goes

[QUOTE=The Queen of Asgard,Jul 1 2014, 03:59 PM][dohtml]

I would put a basic summary of your character here. perhaps some biographical information about them. What made them who they are? What exactly do they want in life? Where are they going and what are they doing? How do they spend saturday night?

Or, you could put some info about yourself or what kind of relationships this character is looking for up here. That could totally work as well. If you really don't want this here, just remove this div and poof, you're free of the hassle.

This is where you tell everyone about how your character makes friends. What do they look for in friends? How do they act around their friends? Are they a loner who has no friends? Maybe you should tell us why.
This is where you tell everyone what they have to do to get your character to hate them. Maybe your character just really has a problem with the color orange and wants to beat up everyone who wears it. Maybe they've got a thing about table manners and they can't stand anyone who lacks them. Generally it's also pretty important to talk about how they treat their enemies. I mean, some people like to kill their enemies with kindness while others would prefer an all out brawl.
Maybe your character is looking for a hot werewolf boyfriend to make out with all the time. Maybe your character is asexual and deeply desires companionship over physical affection. Does your character have a secret crush? If they do, you should probably tell us that right here.
coded by carlie
[/dohtml] [dohtml]
Starter & Replier
This is where you write up ideas about how your character and my character interact. Maybe your character could be her best friend. Maybe my character really gets on your character's last nerves and he wishes she would just let him alone. Tell me all about their complicated love-hate relationship, especially about that one time they ended up kissing during a game of spin the bottle. I'll reply telling you what I think of your idea and offering extra info or other possible scenarios. It will expand as necessary, so write as much as you want.
coded by carlie
[QUOTE=The Queen of Asgard,Jun 26 2014, 03:14 AM][dohtml]


[QUOTE=konan,Jul 13 2014, 12:39 AM][dohtml]
Blog nyitása: 2014.05.10.

Blog zárása:-

Író: Alisson Cutler

Design: Emma Shaw

Kódok: shine.

Elérhetőség : Facebook

E-mail: secretwriting69@gmail.com
[QUOTE=The Queen of Asgard,Jun 17 2014, 03:13 AM][dohtml]
this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post

this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post

this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post this is a post
coded by carlie

title/short lyrics/whatever

text goes here

a new paragraph

another one

[QUOTE=konan,Jul 14 2014, 06:53 PM][dohtml]
SERIES NAME first last character first last
SERIES NAME first last character first last
SERIES NAME first last character first last
SERIES NAME first last character first last
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[QUOTE=Dulce.,Mar 29 2012, 10:23 PM][DOHTML][align=center]
jessica jung
age. member group. personality traits.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vehicula ipsum id enim dignissim venenatis. Quisque venenatis euismod facilisis. Donec justo justo, laoreet vitae bibendum vitae, varius non diam. Nulla fringilla convallis tellus. Fusce ut diam augue. Donec vitae libero ut tellus ornare mollis vel et magna. Donec in leo sed mauris cursus adipiscing. Nulla eros purus, cursus sit amet sagittis at, pellentesque quis eros. Nullam varius mauris sit amet lectus rhoncus aliquet.

Donec ultricies purus vitae nulla cursus vitae tempus elit faucibus. Aenean vehicula sapien vitae nunc gravida in convallis est congue. Curabitur et sem eget libero posuere placerat. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus consequat gravida est id tincidunt. Quisque non luctus dui. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque hendrerit dui ac magna malesuada eu tincidunt sapien porttitor. Nam elementum interdum viverra. Suspendisse ullamcorper imperdiet nisi, in mattis dui tempor id. Pellentesque blandit mauris id nisi pulvinar nec consequat lectus aliquet. Pellentesque in magna metus, bibendum luctus neque.

Praesent laoreet fermentum eleifend. Pellentesque nec dolor nec tellus auctor convallis. Vestibulum scelerisque fermentum placerat. Integer fermentum, nunc eget dignissim egestas, tortor mi luctus lectus, sit amet cursus erat risus nec eros. Aenean tincidunt tempor tellus, nec ultricies lectus laoreet quis. Aliquam venenatis, sem eget viverra posuere, est augue pharetra justo, nec pharetra dui leo sed ipsum. Phasellus ut magna nisi, in aliquet felis. Duis pharetra sapien vitae sapien pharetra luctus at a quam. Phasellus eu enim arcu, ut tincidunt tellus. Mauris luctus tempor nunc, ac porttitor sapien placerat eget. Nulla in nibh leo, id cursus nunc. Vestibulum condimentum, turpis vel condimentum venenatis, turpis urna congue ligula, vel dictum ipsum nunc sed leo. Pellentesque sem leo, scelerisque nec condimentum ac, varius vel nulla. Maecenas bibendum lectus nec enim dignissim porta. Quisque ipsum mi, egestas a egestas eu, commodo sit amet dolor.

Duis vitae metus eros, sit amet pharetra diam. Integer adipiscing placerat magna, id interdum velit blandit id. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam venenatis pellentesque sapien, eget vestibulum felis congue quis. Maecenas quis gravida ligula. Proin varius erat nec justo volutpat dignissim. Nunc at augue sit amet est accumsan semper. Curabitur erat tellus, dignissim quis rutrum pulvinar, semper tempus metus. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris condimentum enim vitae metus placerat condimentum. Proin sed consectetur lorem. Morbi tempor auctor augue, quis mattis enim tempus vitae. Donec urna augue, eleifend at vehicula vitae, cursus eget sem.

tany from [URL=http://forums.redcarpetrebellion.org/index.php?showuser=13621]rcr[/URL] loves me!
[QUOTE=konan,Jul 16 2014, 05:44 PM]should be doing the challenge but mini-profiles are scary D: [dohtml][/dohtml] [dohtml]
Maybe there’s a God above But all I’ve ever learned from love Was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you It’s not a cry you can hear at night It’s not somebody who has seen the light It’s a cold and it’s a broken

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In scelerisque dui massa, vel mollis neque dictum nec. Nam quis molestie mi. Etiam id lobortis ante, tincidunt cursus diam. Cras luctus nulla interdum lorem ultrices fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus facilisis arcu ut sem viverra, ut volutpat diam aliquet. Sed a tincidunt nibh. Phasellus dapibus, elit eget eleifend iaculis, purus lectus egestas mi, in mattis elit nunc sed dui. Cras vitae sapien elit.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi nec gravida nunc. Vivamus dignissim venenatis ante, sed gravida purus lobortis vitae. Vivamus vel sem scelerisque, posuere arcu quis, interdum nisl. Donec condimentum nulla vel orci tristique feugiat. Maecenas tincidunt magna ac lobortis iaculis. Fusce egestas semper orci, a commodo mauris sodales nec. Phasellus malesuada nulla eget tristique vehicula. Nullam condimentum magna eu mi gravida, a vulputate leo vehicula. Etiam eros massa, lobortis a malesuada sed, ornare vitae lacus. Praesent eu iaculis est. Morbi elit nulla, sodales eu auctor tempor, facilisis et enim.

Proin sollicitudin nulla eros. Fusce pretium quam vel libero viverra faucibus. Phasellus faucibus arcu eros, a laoreet sapien pharetra eget. Pellentesque egestas urna non est iaculis feugiat. Fusce facilisis dolor eu libero feugiat, id rhoncus eros varius. Ut at dui faucibus, tincidunt libero et, tincidunt justo. Fusce fringilla, nisi vel mollis bibendum, nulla ipsum pellentesque sapien, sed sagittis metus nibh quis sem. Duis auctor iaculis diam, a hendrerit nulla malesuada sit amet. Proin dictum libero in pulvinar convallis. Sed blandit mauris sit amet purus consectetur sollicitudin. Nam ornare sit amet leo id egestas. Suspendisse hendrerit convallis eros.

Vestibulum aliquam nec eros nec mattis. Nullam justo dui, condimentum sit amet odio vehicula, iaculis aliquet ligula. Mauris bibendum suscipit nunc sit amet vestibulum. Suspendisse metus lorem, ultrices non eros nec, mollis iaculis orci. Etiam non lorem tincidunt, convallis urna eget, consequat dui. Suspendisse potenti. Donec dolor est, cursus id volutpat sit amet, condimentum gravida sem.

Integer commodo diam sed libero egestas, aliquet varius tellus blandit. Nullam vehicula, quam sit amet lacinia imperdiet, risus nisi consequat nisl, vehicula adipiscing tortor turpis et sapien. Mauris feugiat ante vel pulvinar feugiat. Sed tempus dapibus sagittis. Maecenas arcu metus, semper ut sem ut, porta accumsan purus. Nullam ac ante sit amet purus vulputate accumsan in non nibh. Duis sollicitudin enim pharetra egestas interdum. Sed mollis leo sit amet nisi mollis lacinia.

WORDS: --- | NOTES: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. | TAGGED: first last | KONAN @ SHINE
[QUOTE=tazer,May 2 2012, 10:45 AM][dohtml]
i know i've got a big ego,
i really don't know why it's such a big deal though. and i'm sad to the core, core, core. everyday is a chore, chore, chore. when you give i want more, more, more. i wanna be adored.
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name | ###
[QUOTE=tazer,May 2 2012, 10:45 AM][dohtml]
i know i've got a big ego,
i really don't know why it's such a big deal though. and i'm sad to the core, core, core. everyday is a chore, chore, chore. when you give i want more, more, more. i wanna be adored.
123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123. 123.

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name | ###
[QUOTE=ALYSAURUS,Dec 22 2012, 06:49 AM][dohtml]

pb ✘ species ✘ something

pb ✘ species ✘ something

pb ✘ species ✘ something

pb ✘ species ✘ something

pb ✘ species ✘ something

pb ✘ species ✘ something
